Tamarinier de l'Inde (Le)***

Address: 12 rue du Poivre Vert l'Eperon Saint Gilles les Hauts
Location: Ouest
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Guest score: 91% 29 of 32 recommend (13 reviews)
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Plage du Boucan Canot - 2 mi.
Directions: From Saint-Denis, follow signs to Saint-Paul. From the Route des Tamarins, take the exit to Eperon, drive 500 m before turning right at the pharmacy in Eperon itself. The rooms are 50 m further on your right.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: -21.043228
Longitude: 55.253754
Latitude: -21° 2' 36"
Longitude: 55° 15' 14"

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