Ilet à Malheur (Gîte d')

Address: Ilet à Malheur, 97419 La Possession
Location: Ilet a malheur
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Guest score: 99% 287 of 291 recommend (136 reviews)

Mountain and trekking hostel | Location : Ilet à Malheur / Cirque de Mafate
Mountain and Trekking Hostel

Located in the Cirque de Mafate, this hikers' gite has 2 dormitories: 2 bedrooms accommodating 4 people each and 2 rooms for 6 people. Towels are not included.

Location : Ilet à Malheur / Cirque de Mafate
Mountain and Trekking Hostel

Located in the Cirque de Mafate, this hikers' gite has 2 dormitories: 2 bedrooms accommodating 4 people each and 2 rooms for 6 people. Towels are not included.

”Pression de l'eau manquante dans les douches”

Recommended by Anonymous
Réunion Réunion (Wed 16 Aug 2023)

”Ce gîte correspond aux critères standards des attentes: simple mais efficace, propre sans fioritures. ”

Recommended by Guillaume
France France (Fri 11 Aug 2023)

Guest score 99%

(287 of 291 recommend)
Overall opinion 4.7 of 5
Welcoming, listening, kindness 4.8 of 5
Equipments 4.5 of 5
Cleanliness 4.7 of 5
Quality of the meals 4.7 of 5
Value for money 4.6 of 5

Facilities and services

Special requirements
Pets prohibited

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- 90% of ours customers recommend us

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4 reasons to trust us

- 90% of ours customers recommend us

- Online booking

- Available 24/7

- Secure payment

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