Accommodation in Réunion Island - 4 matches

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4 accommodations


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Ouest   Map
Guest reviews: 100% (5 of 5 recommend)
Guesthouse | Location : La Saline/ Ouest Guesthouse In the west in La Saline, D&D Guest case offers 2 Gîtes de France guest rooms classified “3 épis”. The double bedrooms, one with twin beds, are located in the owner's house and have TV, heating and pri...

Le Tampon
Le Tampon   Map
Guest reviews: 86% (12 of 14 recommend)
Guesthouse | Location : Le Tampon / Sud Guesthouse Situated in Le Tampon, Fleur de Vanille offers 4 luxury B&B rooms awarded the Gîtes de France quality label. Ideal for honeymoons, there are 3 bedrooms with living room on the first floor and one bedroom...

Saint Pierre
Saint Pierre   Map
Guest reviews: 100% (18 of 18 recommend)
Guesthouse | La Kazkifo is perfectly located at the entrance to the fishing district of Terre Sainte and less than five minutes from Saint-Pierre town centre, with three fully-equipped double bedrooms available to rent, with the Gîtes de France label.

Plaine des Palmistes
Plaine des Palmistes   Map
Guest reviews: 97% (29 of 30 recommend)
Guesthouse | Location : Plaine des Palmistes / Les Plaines Guesthouse Chez Bea, located at approximately 1,000 m above sea level, in La Plaine des Palmistes, in the heart of the National Park, is the starting point for numerous treks and places to visit...

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