Jessica OREO (Gîte)

Address: La Nouvelle - Mafate, 97419 La Possession
Location: La Nouvelle
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Guest score: 87% 448 of 515 recommend (232 reviews)

Guest score: 87%

(448 of 515 recommend)
Overall opinion 4.1 of 5
Welcoming, listening, kindness 4 of 5
Equipments 4 of 5
Cleanliness 4.4 of 5
Quality of the meals 4.4 of 5
Value for money 4.1 of 5
About our guest reviews: The guest reviews are submitted by our guests after their stay. They are opinions of guests that reflect their experiences when staying at this property. Scores are based on a 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) rating system.

Individual reviews by our guests (showing 231-232 of 232)


Recommended by Naguy, Réunion (Réunion Sun 27 Jan 2013)
“L'emplacement du gîte devrait être mieu indiqué.”
Jessica OREO (Gîte) replies (Fri 19 Apr 2013)
bonjour ! on a eu des campeurs qui ont pris le bois (indication du gite ) pour faire le feu,mais une nouvelle plaque est en cours,en attendant l accord de l onf.
Overall opinion 5 of 5


Recommended by Bob, Réunion (Réunion Wed 14 Nov 2012)
“Rien a dire”
Jessica OREO (Gîte) replies (Fri 19 Apr 2013)
merci bob :-)
Overall opinion 4 of 5

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4 reasons to trust us

- 90% of ours customers recommend us

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